C.A.R.E. Intensive - Berne, IN
Mon, Jan 09
|Clock Tower Inn
A four-day training in Raindrop, Vitaflex, Chemistry, Emotional Release, and Healing Oils of the Bible which provides practical applied aromatherapy skills.

Time & Location
Jan 09, 2023, 8:30 AM – Jan 12, 2023, 12:30 PM
Clock Tower Inn, 1335 US-27, Berne, IN 46711, USA
About the Event
C.A.R.E Intensified Applied Aromatherapy Training
A CARE Intensive is a four-day NCBTMB authorized training (25 CE hrs) in Raindrop, Vitaflex, Chemistry, Emotional Release, and Healing Oils of the Bible which provides practical applied aromatherapy skills for the healing professionals who choose to integrate essential oils into their practices, as well as for the non-professionals who are empowering themselves to increase the health and well being of themselves, family, and friends. Participating in a CARE Intensive can lead to a Certified Practitioner status and Certification as a CARE Instructor.
Participants completing the training will
•Understand the Fundamentals of Aromatherapy
•Understand the Science and Chemistry of Essential Oils
•Learn to Apply Useful Skills in Vitaflex
•Learn to do Raindrop Technique
•Learn how Essential Oils Can be Used for Emotional Releasing
Continuing Education Credit
C.A.R.E. is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. In addition, CARE is also recognized by the Natural Therapies Certification Board (NTCB), the Spiritual Healing Licensing Board (SHLB), and the Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP).
Raindrop Technique
Raindrop originated in the 1980’s through the research of Dr. D. Gary Young. Raindrop is a powerful, non-invasive tool integrating the art of aromatic science with the technique of Vitaflex and gentle applications of therapeutic grade oils on the feet and back. The purpose of Raindrop Technique is to stimulate every organ, muscle and bone at a cellular level bringing the body into structural and electrical balance, enabling the release of toxins wherever they may be. This may include those lodged in the mind and emotions.
Applied Vitaflex
Vitaflex is an ancient healing modality that was rediscovered by Stanley Burroughs in the late 1920’s. Vitaflex is a digital electrical stimulation that activates neuro pathways, delivering benefits of the essential oils. The body has a self-regulating electrical system that Vitaflex stimulates.
Emotional Release
Is emotional baggage keeping you from being the person you were designed to be? Clinical research shows that traumatic experiences are stored on a cellular level and have profound effects on one’s emotions and the physical state of the body. During an Emotional Release session, essential oil blends are both applied and inhaled. These blends are formulated for their unique ability to:
•Balance energies in the body and open the subconscious mind
•Promote emotional release of negative stored memories
•Program the mind with positive beliefs Class Participants will acquire an understanding of how essential oils may facilitate clearing of negative emotional patterns through lecture, demonstration, and a “Break-Out” session.
Chemistry of Essential Oils
To you who have little or no background in chemistry, yet desire a basic understanding of essential oils, this class is for you. To you who may even fear chemistry and avoided it in school, fear no more. This class is for you. And to you who may have degrees in chemistry, even advanced degrees, this class is for you, too, because the unique composition and character of essential oils is not found in college textbooks, nor is it yet a part of the college curriculum of most university regimens. As you will discover, the properties of essential oils that bring healing and maintain health cannot be explained solely by science as we know it. The power of essential oils is more than chemistry.
History of Anointing and laying hands (formerly healing oils of the Bible)
Ancient Scripture is full of hundreds of references to “precious” oils: Aloes, Cassia, Frankincense, Galbanum, Hyssop, Balm, Spikenard, Cedarwood, Myrrh, and many more. They were considered: “the best products of the land,” “the work of a skilled apothecary,” “most holy” and “treasured gifts.” This seminar will help clarify the valuable roles of essential oils in ancient and modern day health care and show how they are intricately designed by our Creator.
What you can expect
Upon Completion of the Bible Oils Class you will be able to cite books of the Old and New Testaments containing information on essential oils as well as their Biblical and modern applications.
Upon Completion of the Applied Vitaflex Class you will be able to perform 13 Vitaflex Procedures, to understand the scientific basis for Vitaflex, to know when and to whom to apply them, and what benefits can be expected from their application.
Upon Completion of the Raindrop Technique Training you will be able to perform the entire Raindrop protocol, understand its limits and precautions, and know its potential benefits. This class also leads to your becoming a Certified Raindrop Practitioner.
Upon Completion of the CARE Chemistry Class you will gain a scientific understanding of how the compounds of essential oils reach to cellular levels and how they bring therapy to the various organs and tissues of the body.
Upon Completion of the Emotional Release Class you will be able to correlate physical maladies with repressed emotions, to use essential oils to locate emotional issues stored in the cells of the body, and will know how to release them for yourself and others.
Credit Hours and Prices
Individual Course Credits & Ala Carte Prices (U.S. Dollars)
Applied Vitaflex (4 hours) = $160
Bible Oils (2 hours) = $45
Raindrop Technique (8 hours) = $365
Chemistry of Essential Oils (6 hours) = $250
Emotional Release (5 hours) = $195
Total Ala Carte (25 hours) = $1,015U.S. Dollars
Package Price for Whole Program (All 25 hours) = $800 USD (Save $215)
Full refund less $50 for processing for cancellations no later than 30 days before the seminar date.
Continuing Education Credit – 25CEs
C.A.R.E. is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. CARE is also recognized by the Natural Therapies Certification Board (NTCB), the Spiritual Healing Licensing Board (SHLB), and the Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP).
Class Size
Registrations for Raindrop and Vitaflex are limited to the first 9 people to keep class sizes small for better hands-on attention and training. So register early to assure a place. As for the Bible Oils, Chem I, Chem II, and Emotional Release classes, these are demonstration/lecture classes and there are no limitations on class size for these beyond the seating capacity of the room. They are all open to the public at ala carte prices with registrations taken at the door. However, pre-registration is also recommended for these portions of the CARE Intensive.
What is Included
Class Notes, Necessary Oils, Handouts, and a Certificate acknowledging your participation in the course or courses taken are all included in seminar fees.
CARE Vitaflex is required before taking Raindrop I. CARE Raindrop I is required before taking Raindrop II. There are no pre-requisites for the Bible Oils, Chem I, Chem II, or Emotional Release classes.
What to Bring
Bring two (2) sheets, one (1) large bath towel, and one (1) hand towel. You are encouraged also to bring your Bible for the Bible Oils class. While there are no texts required to take the classes, if you own a copy of “The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple,” “Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils,” “Feelings Buried Alive Never Die,” and “Heal Your Body,” please bring them as they will be referred to. There will be loaners available and some copies available for sale.
Full Intensive
$800.00Sale endedApplied Vitaflex
$160.00Sale endedBible Oils
$45.00Sale endedRaindrop Technique
$365.00Sale endedChemistry of Essential Oils
$250.00Sale endedEmotional Release
$195.00Sale endedFull Intensive-REPEAT STUDENT
$400.00Sale ended